December 2023 Release Notes

Beta Version: 11/21/2023 Beta Version: 12/06/2023

Lauren Bernhard Toledo

Last Update 4 months ago

Bugs Fixed Notes:

1. Order:

a. Items with the weight unit (lb/oz/kg) add the special request, the total price will be added to the item price. 

i. The item without modifier should use the Per Oz/Lb/Kg price Type, which can be set in the New Back Office→Menu→ Items→ Update item. It is the same unit as the Weight/OZ/Lb/Kg((base+modify)xunit) in the Advanced→Menu→unit.

ii. The item has a modifier should use the Per Oz/Lb/Kg (exclude mod. price) price Type, which can be set in the New Back Office→Menu→ Items→ Update Item. It is the same unit as the Weight/OZ/Lb/Kg- in the Advanced→Menu→unit.

b. Happy hour discount items in $ discount cannot update quantity numbers. 

c. Delivery fee duplicated on history orders. When an item has multiple prices (PickUp/WalkIn/Delivery price), and enters a history of delivery orders by selecting the saved customer info, the recorded delivery fee will be duplicated into the cart. 

d. When using seat mode 1-3, need to enable seat & line/ Ticket batch, disable item group/Display sort in the Advanced→System—>General. And the printer setting should uncheck the item group as well. In the previous version, when using seat mode 3, if you did not add any items in the whole table, then go back to edit it, it would disappear. Now we keep it on the top all the time. 

2. Print:

a. Dot-matrix printer:

i. We adjusted the header of the Dot-matrix printer, moving all the information in the single line.

ii. We also adjusted the format by using seat mode:

-“s0” means whole table

-“s1” means seat 1, etc.

iii. We applied the new format on all the kitchen receipts, even the updated kitchen receipt. 

iv. The printer now has a bigger date format with kitchen receipt.

b. When selling a gift card with surcharge, the printed customer receipt without surcharge listed on. Now we listed the charge amount containing the surcharge for selling gift card customer receipts.

c. Star printer: Should be “cc detail” as NO.

i. Sell the gift card by card, the star printer will print out the CC receipt.

ii. When the partial payment is made by gift card and credit card, the cc receipt will print both, gift card receipt will print out the remaining balance and the signatures.

iii. Star printer will reprint all the cc receipts in the credit containing the gift card. 

3. Payment:

a. Open Tab pay by credit card did not charge a surcharge in the previous version. Now we fix it!

b. Taxable service charge the unpaid customer receipt will print error subtotal and card price in new mode. We fix all the printing customer receipts with taxable/non-taxable service charges both in new mode and Native mode of printer settings. Service charges can be set up in the New Back Office→Taxes & Fees.

i. Uncheck “Taxable”, the service charge will be calculated on subtotal and tax fee will not contain it.

Formula : Total =subtotal+tax*subtotal+service charge*(subtotal+tax)

ii. Check “Taxable”, the “Service Charge” will be calculated on the sum of item prices; “Subtotal” will be the sum of the service charge and the sum of item prices; “Tax” will be calculated subtotal.

Formula : Total =service charge*sum of item prices+subtotal+tax*subtotal,

where subtotal = service charge +sum of item prices.

c. Gift card optimization:

i. When swiping the gift card the card reader is missing the right number of the card, which saves the zero number to the gift card report. We resolve it by disabling the zero number save in the report. And give it an alert to notify the user that they need to swipe again or change cards.

ii. When selling the gift card enter the amount before the swipe card. It will override the amount number, which is fixed at this time.

iii. We highlighted the info box when the user selected it.

iv. When selling the gift card with the customer’s phone number, it will be saved in the report, and allow users to search the phone number from the Gift card report. 

4. Features:

a. Number of days for searching history orders. Tools→Back Office→SetUp→Orders→ Menu Layout. It controlled the history orders display by searching the customer information in days. 

b. Live edit function can’t save the color. We fixed that when you try to update the item color and background format by using the “Live Edit” function. Tool→Back Office→Advanced→System→Rules & Credit Card→ Live edit.

i. We provided 17 different background colors for category and item, once you selected, you can click Close to save the update.

ii. We provided the customized color for the user to design your favorite background color in star color and end color mix. Once you select the color, click “Save Style” to create it as a sample in the color options. You can use it in the future. Then click “Close” to save it.

iii. We also provide the “font color” for users to change the color of category/item name. Once you select the color, click “Save Style” to create it as a sample in the color options. You can use it in the future. Then click “Close” to save it.


5. Others:

a. Loyalty Program with email address only. In the previous version, when you import the customer information to the POS system, and enable the loyalty program. Somehow, it cannot link the customer by email without a phone number. We added a program to allow the customer to enter their email address to search it in our Database and edit a phone number to update the customer information and link the phone number to the imported email address. It helps customers to transfer their email address from the previous version. 


Feature Release Notes:


1. Payment:

a. Gift card reports can be searched by phone number. 

2. Tools:

a. Delete offline CC:

We provide the function to help merchants delete the offline transaction. After running the offline mode, if there is a wrong card or expired/denied card, it will make the “Run Offline” always in red. It provides support or distributors to help merchant troubleshooting by “POS access”--> Admin→Tools→Delete offline CC. 

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