January 2024 Release Notes

Beta Version: 12/12/2023 Beta Version: 12/23/2023

Lauren Bernhard Toledo

Last Update vor 8 Monaten

Bugs Fixed Notes:

1. Orders:

a. When system enabled delay send and seat mode 3. They select the guest number, the seat number will disappear when they go back to edit it. We fixed it. 

2. Print:

a. Star printer problem issue:

i. When enabled cc detail All and Yes in the new back office→Advanced→system→Rule & Credit card→ cc detail the tar printer will not print out the receipts.

ii. When customers do the split pay the credit fee (surcharge) and card price are not matched.

iii. When enabled cc detail All and Yes, the star printer cannot reprint the cc receipt in the credit.

b. Tablet mode to print out the request Service with “help”, it prints garbled code.

3. Payment:

a. Tip suggestion before tax (tip based on subtotal), the customer receipts and the cc receipt after paid are not matched. And when doing the partial pay/even split pay, the tip was calculated on the payment.

b. When selling gift cards not requiring the customer email, cannot allow them to pay by card. 

4. Gift Cards:

a. Sell multiple cards and pay by card.

b. Star printers print out receipts.

c. Optimize input functions.

5. Features:

a. Self Help link to Help Center. 


Feature Release Notes:


1. Report:

a. Employee sales report provided export function to help merchant analysis User report. 

2. Features:

a. Kiosk subitems/variations pop up. If the menu has a sub item/modifiers setting, the Kiosk will have a variation page for customers to order the modifier in the pop up page. 

b. Item Discount & Void with reason. Once you predefined reasons in the Advanced →System→General→Request reasons and clicked the “Discount”, when you do the item discount it will allow you to pick up the reason for discount. 

c. Hold and Fire: Once you enable the Delay send function, when you enter the ticket will pop up the items pool allowing you to control the send time to the kitchen.

i. Hold: it will hold all items in the cart and set the timer to “9999” min.

ii. Fire: it will send all items to the kitchen, even if the item has the predefined timer. But it only sends the left items to the kitchen.

iii. Submit: send all items without a timer to the kitchen.

iv. Cancel: to close the Delay time setting page.

d. Comp payment with reason. Need to add the “Comp” in the new back office→Set Up→Payment→Payment accepted as a new payment method, then when you pay a ticket by “Comp” it has a reason required. And the reason will be listed under the tickets’ note. 

e. Pay out & refund description in the sales report.

f. On book:

i. Payment with customer name pops up.

ii. When closing it will print out cc receipt with:

-Order ID

-CC ID (id in the cc table)

-Total amount

-Customer name

-Phone number

-Customer ID (id in the customerinfo)


Note: Star printer works on this function as well. 

3. Retail:

a. Retail soft keyboard hides when physical keyboard presented. If you enable the physical keyboard in the terminal undering the retail mode, the keyboard in the home page will hide. 

b. Inventory UPC/SKU search in menu/backoffice. If the customer enabled retail mode, the menu table in the Altname column in the new back office →menu→ item will change to UPC/SKU. And we provide the searching function though UPC code to find out the item. 

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