November 2023 Release Notes

Beta version: 10/17/2023

Lauren Bernhard Toledo

Last Update 4 months ago

Bugs Fixed Notes:

1. Order:

a. Open an item with a special request. In the previous version, if you add the special request on the open item, the special request price will be doubled. And somehow the price will be changed when you edit or update the ticket. Now we fixed this problem like the video shows.Only working with the unit “variable price/$(base+modify +unit”. (Ticket # 46747)

b. Even split with item transfer. In the previous version, if you do an even split on a ticket, then do the item transfer to the split ticket and return back to the previous ticket, the quantity and price of the transferred item will not be combined. Now we have fixed it. (Ticket # 47660) 

c. Happy hour discount at late night. In the previous version, if you set up the happy hour schedule discount at 00:01 am to 06:00 am. The discount will not be applied on the selected items. Now we have fixed it. (Ticket # 52134)

d. Better Guest report. Some buffet stores are using a guest number as the code number to record the ticket. Then the guest number in the user report will be extremely high. Now the POS system will auto detect the words to identify the guest number. Such as “Adult”, “Child”, “user”, “kid”, “Seinor”, “Children”, or any item greater than $3 will record as one person in the user report.

e. Open Tab orders:

WalkIn Order types: in the previous version, if you created an open tab ticket on WalkIn order and default the terminal mode as WalkIn as well. Then after you enter the open tab orders, the page is still holding on the WalkIn page that allows you to enter another WalkIn order. Then this general WalkIn order will be marked as Open Tab as well. And when you do the payment for this ticket, the pre auth payment will be transferred to it. Now we fix it. (Ticket # 54101) 

f. Tax tool: once enabled, when entering the first item without tax, the updated items will not contain tax as well. We fixed it.

g. Saved ticket with discount: if you want to apply item discount/ticket discount/kwick discount on the saved ticket in the previous version is not working. Now all of those discounts are working fine.

2. Payment:

a. Sell Gift cards with surcharge and Gtip. In the previous version, when you sell a gift card by card and you set up the surcharge in the POS system, the amount will contain the Gift card balance and surcharge recorded in the Credit. And the Tips will record the surcharge again, which customer will pay the double surcharge in this transaction. Now we removed the surcharge on the tips. Only keep the amount will contain the Gift card balance and surcharge recorded in the Credit. (Ticket #51412) 

3. Menu:

a. In the previous version with Retail mode, and under the list with Tree menu function. Then, If there is only one category, the items will not be displayed in the POS. We fixed it now.

b. The customer name in the WalkIn order will display twice when using Detail orders. Now we fixed it.

4. Terminal:

a. 27’’ kiosk display calibration needs to use the old version(112) of Google Chrome to fix it. If the version is higher than the 114 version the cart will be hidden in the bottom part.

5. POS Features:

a. Loyalty program, if this ticket entered the phone number, the loyalty program will list this customer’s balance. The Loyalty will be colored yellow if the customer already exists in the POS system with his phone number.

6. Report:

a. Employee reports: in the previous version, the employee report with unpaid tips and paid tips are incorrect, it is because the calculation did not think about the partially paid Gtip and atip. We fixed it, and Unpaid tips contained shared tips and shared group tips.


1. Employee Summary report Unpaid Tips contained Total shared tips.

2. Tip Report: Unpaid Tips contained user share tips and user share-group tips. 

7. Others:

a. Username “Required.<8 letters!”, we corrected the maximum letters of the username to 8. 

b. Split permission enabled still asks for a passcode. And disable the split permission will allow it to split.

c. When the customer is using the Retail mode and the terminal mode is retail, after they pay and enter the ticket, the page will keep on the List page, except they go to the new back office and back to the home page.


Features Release Notes:

1. Orders:

a. Open Tab orders:

i. Multiple payments: We support customers using multiple payments on the Open Tab ticket. Need to enable the Open Tab function as Kwick and go to New Back Office→Credit Payment→Opentab pay with a different card to allow multiple payments. Then when you want to pay the open tab ticket, the system will ask you to use the new card or the old card. And list the amount the card will pay. If your old card(pre-authorized card) has no more money to pay the whole ticket, you can enter an amount the new card will pay and click Visa one more time to close the ticket with the old card with the left amount. 

b. Kwick Driver:

In Portal:

To enable the Kwick driver in the POS, you need to contact the Sales department to help you enable the Kwick Driver delivery fee in the Portal→ Kwick Diver. Eg. enter 2 means the delivery fee is $2 for each kwick driver ticket. KP will charge the merchant $8.99 and tips for each Kwick driver delivery order at the beginning of the next month.


To enable the delivery order type under New Back Office→ SetUp→Order Types→ Delivery , and you have choices (ONLY choose one of them):

-> Default KwickPOS delivery service(No drivers required).

Delivery orders will auto find out the DoorDash driver to pick up the orders.

->Disable KwickPOS delivery service.

Disable the Kwick Driver function in the POS. Only general delivery orders.

Make sure you create an item called “Delivery fee” with a price $1 in the Advanced→Menu→Misc category.

-Delivery ticket with DoorDash ID.

Once you check the Kwick driver for a delivery order, those tickets will automatically use paid first mode to close this ticket. You can only find this ticket in paid tickets. And it will have the DoorDash ID on the top of the ticket.

-Real phone number celebration.

You must enter a real customer phone number to make sure this ticket will get the DoorDash ID successfully.

-Support phone list in the Note pool.

After you enter the kwick driver ticket into POS 2-3min, there is a support phone number list in the note pool to help you contact DoorDash to cancel the ticket or check the ticket status.

2. Terminal:

a. Kiosk with multiple languages. Kiosks can support multiple languages on the screen. You can select and edit multiple languages in the New Back Office→Apps→kiosk→More languages. Click edit to manually add translated languages in the middle columns. But Chinese is special, you need to go to the Advanced→Menu→Chinese column to type in the translated Chinese to enable the Chinese language display on the Kiosk. 

3. Report:

a. Employee reports: For easy-to-use employee reports, we added the “Export” function on the Daily Employee report/Tip Report/ Detail Employee report for downloading those reports in Excel files.

b. Batch notification:

i. We added a POS auto batch program in the KwickPOS system for customers to do the auto batch 5 times in 2 hours after the Extend Hours. Once you enable “Auto Batch” in the Advanced→System→Auto Batch, this program will automatically run. For example, if you enter 5, the program will run at 7:00 am. The result will report into the batch report [New Back Office→Reporting→Batch report]

ii. We also added the batch button notification.

- When you click the Batch button in the Credit. The symptom will pop out the information to notify you when and how many transactions are not batched.

- If there is more than one transaction not batched, the “Batch” button will be in red. If there are more than 200 transactions not batched, the “Batch” button will flash in colors. Then you need to check all the credit card machines to make sure all of them are working with the right IP address. Then do the manual batch or force batch. 

3. Coming Soon:

a. New Batch notifications

b. Credit Debit payment without surcharge

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